You send us your text as an email attachment, specifying the desired language(s) and the desired delivery date. After receiving your file(s), we check the scope of the translation i.e the content, the language combinations, the degree of difficulty and the desired delivery date.
You will receive a confirmation of receipt from us and we will provide you with a free and non-binding cost estimate.
If you agree with the cost estimate, we will send you a contract signed by us for the respective project.
The files to be translated are forwarded to the translator. Ideally, one translator handles one project, but depending on time constraints, the project can also e divided among several translators. The translations are always and exclusively carried out by professional native speakers.
The translation will be delivered by e-mail, fax, CD, as a print version or in any other desired format.
EnergyTranslations is of course also available for questions and explanations after delivery of the translation.